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          Season 1 (Episodes 1 - 14):      Aeons | 13
Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Prelude (Exordium)

Episode Title:
The First Presentation of the Prophecy

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Corpse (Fiat Voluntas Tua)

Episode Title:
The final moments of a watchkeeper

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Naught (Part III: Division)

Episode Title:
Her First Meeting With Death (The Reaping Avoidance)

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Warden (Journal Entry #122: End)

Episode Title:
Declaration of Revenge

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Anhedonia (Condemn)

Episode Title:
A Message to Mother, Before the Straying

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
Dr. Reason (Only Me!)

Episode Title:
The Danger of Self Diagnosis & Self Catharsis

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Cleric (Falsify)

Episode Title:
Diatribe from the Clerics to the Toci

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
King Of Nightmares (Will I Dream?)

Episode Title:
The Previous Life of the Cleric

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Fate (Afterlife Access Code)

Episode Title:
The Fate Foreshadows

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Holder of Dreams (Behold!)

Episode Title:
The Tale, the Vespinae, & the First Declaration of the Prophecy

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Processor (Theatre + Audience)

Episode Title:
The Warden Before...

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Dragon (Sin Eater)

Episode Title:
The Vows Sung by the Bride During the Union of the Queen & the Cleric

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
Phoenix (And Lightning Girl)

Episode Title:
There has to be a place better than this

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Master (Is?)

Episode Title:
In Times of Peace After the Wars, Will We Realize the Existance of the Master?

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          Season 2 (Episodes 1 - 5):      The Naught (Parts I, II, III, IV, & V)
Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Naught (Part I: Remember)

Episode Title:
To Recall What Has Yet To Become

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Naught (Part II: Passage)

Episode Title:
Decision To Continue, Despite...

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Naught (Part III: Division)

Episode Title:
Her First Meeting With Death (The Reaping Avoidance)

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Naught (Part IV: Dream)

Episode Title:
The Life Flashing, Post Awakening

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
The Naught (Part V: End)

Episode Title:
She Said...

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          Season 3 (Episodes 1 - 15):      Naerrata | 13
Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Final Word of Vespa the Red

Episode Title:
She Died with the 4th World

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Fate of the Red Head Girl

Episode Title:
To Set In Motion, the Prophecy That Never Was, Yet Will Self-Fulfill

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Ballad of Reason

Episode Title:
The Doctor Prevails, Always & Unwavering

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
She is the Eternal Phantom

Episode Title:
Lightning Chooses To Suspend, To Rise With Her Phoenix

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
His Hero is Rising

Episode Title:
The guard (watchkeeper) does what must be done for Dr. Reason and ends at the same time as Drought

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
I, Warden

Episode Title:
The Warden makes his will known; amongst the people of Ballaarat.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Fly Hornets Fly (The Protest)

Episode Title:
The Rally Before the Attack, With a Speech Delivered by the Reformed Anhedonia

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
Her Hero is Falling

Episode Title:
Drought Longs for, and Readies the Enemy, for the Coming of Rain

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
To Suspend the Afterlife

Episode Title:
Reason finds the recordings of the Cleric and learns that he has modified Toci code to halt the soul of his daughter

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Queen Wants Him To End

Episode Title:
The Loss of the Child, the Rage of the Mother; the Wrath of the Queen

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Internal Systems Check (Reboot, Reset)

Episode Title:
An Unusual Voice of Harmony; A Cyborg Promotes Symbiotic Unification

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
Star Behind the Moon

Episode Title:
Echo of the past resonating into the present; an inner ageless voice guiding a way unto the future. Whispers of the Naught?

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Vow of the Dragon / Vexing of the Cleric

Episode Title:
The Cleric knowingly breaks his vows in an attempt to trade his spirit to snare the halted soul of his daughter

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Retroversion Human

Episode Title:
Drought shuts down the network which breaks the communication to the legion of the suspended. But is it enough...

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
Rise to Become (Rise of the Red)

Episode Title:
Just as the battle was being lost, a simple prophecy was turned into a reality. The Naught returns

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          Season 4 (Episodes 1 - 14):      The 4th: Volumes | Vespinae
Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Two Headed God of Fate (Prologue)

Episode Title:
Welcome to tales of duplicity & paradox - the legends of the 4th world - the volumes of the Vespinae

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Red Tower Dance (Vespa's Waltz)

Episode Title:
Each new Vespa is presented with a Waltz. The coronation of Raven introduced 'The Red Tower Dance'.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Agent of Stigma (Dear Raven: Acts I, II, & III)

Episode Title:
Underground transmission broadcasted to the world beneath, to those with the mark.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Covenant of the Vespinae (Unbroken)

Episode Title:
The vespinae make an internal declaration of their intentions to accept the offer of Raven the Black to infiltrate the monarchy and set forth the Dragon for all; creating freedom for all.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor :SET

Song Title:
Queen of Nightmares (Raven's Lament)

Episode Title:
Raven must risk losing those most dear to position herself to affect the most progress

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Afterlife Paradox (I Don't Believe)

Episode Title:
Heavy is the head of the King of Nightmares. Now the scientist must decide, to drink his serum and be the first to extend life itself or let fate take his hand.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Overcast (The Grey is Stranger Than I)

Episode Title:
Teci comes of age and begins to realize what she must do and what is to become of her. She will continue what Raven had begun & Vespa has set forth. Not right, nor wrong, but inbetween.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Prophecy Dissemination (Do Not Be Alarmed)

Episode Title:
Pirate Radio disrupts the networks again. This time to reinforce what has come to be known as the Prophecy.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Becoming (The Serum)

Episode Title:
Witness the becoming of the King of Nightmares, and the presentation of the serum.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Strange Flower (Eater of Sin)

Episode Title:
Teci receives a gift from Vespa. For Vespa has declared Teci as the future monarch and matriarch of what shall come to be. The next reign has been named; Theia, Queen of all the Toci.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Pride of the Holder of Dreams (Until)

Episode Title:
The blood relative of Raven has accepted what has been bestowed upon her by those amongst the Vespinae that wish to ensure the survival of their oath and bond.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Goodbye, Vespa (Goodbye)

Episode Title:
Vespa stays behind as the final inhabitants flee the 4th world. She does this to ensure their survival. For this final task can only be accomplished by allowing herself to end with the planet.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Sixty Seconds (till Dawn)

Episode Title:
Vespa's letter confessing her ruse to those that have fled the 4th World.The true reason she no longer lived as Raven the Black to become Vespa the Red; to destroy the tribunal and set all free.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Dream of Cyan (Epilogue)

Episode Title:
A dream forged by the nightmare of reality. A dream that some hope will become reality. A dream that some will intend to make reality.

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          Season 5 (Episodes 1 - 13):      Secrets | Fates: Tales of the Toci
Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Company of the Nine Gods

Episode Title:
Teci has remained awake for the 1000 years that the exiles of the 4th have been in hibernation waiting for the terraformation of the 5th. She created a beacon to hopefully locate the spirit of Vespa.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
She Is, Not Alive

Episode Title:
Aurora Cyan co-exists within the same vessel as Teci; one alive & one not. Some equate this symbiosis to that of ghostly possession.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Memory of the Afterlife

Episode Title:
Aurora recalls her experience between the events of her death as Vespa on the 4th and when she was guided back to live once again.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Replicating Queen

Episode Title:
It is not to be revealed that each successive Queen of the Toci is actually the same. For only two know the truth regarding Teci being one of the suspended and her age of over a thousand years.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Birth of the Naught

Episode Title:
The secret ceremony of the birth of the Naught. The delivering of the forbidden daughter of the Queen of the Toci & the Cleric, as well as the essence of Aurora Cyan.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Harmonic Atomics

Episode Title:
Upon reading the book the present queen learns of and hones the power of harmonic atomics. This force allows the queen to project influence across vast distances.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Bloodline Virus

Episode Title:
The vigilante, the menace, the plague. The one who has been thwarting the expansion campaigns with a virus created to punish the Queen. But from what bloodline does this virus originate?

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Anastasi Begets Phoenix

Episode Title:
When the vigilanti does not die in the Ceremony of the Blaze, the Toci learns the truth of Anastasi; confirming the legend of the Holder of Dreams.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Exit of the King

Episode Title:
The Cleric, now husband of the Queen, learns that the amibitions of his consort have reached beyond even his ethical limits. And, has he himself been altered by the Queen?

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Ceremony to Become

Episode Title:
The Naught and the rest of the Toci have now been made aware of the becoming of Aurora Cyan, the merging of the spirits of Vespa & Teci. Both sharing the same body and mind, bound together as one.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Ballaärat Sixty

Episode Title:
The Naught, born in secret of Mephis (The Cleric) & The Queen, has decided to be among the first settlers on the 5th. To be of the chosen sixty residents to inhabit the capital of Ballaärat.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Earth Transmission

Episode Title:
The Naught of the future, relays a message from the era of the 3rd World, when time was still true, to warn her father of the coming timeline disruptions, her fate, and when to act.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Design of the Clerics

Episode Title:
Upon receiving the impossbile transmission from a long gone Earth, the Cleric knows he must increase his numbers to keep time in line, and to save his daughter from an unknown future fate.

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          Season 6 (Episodes 1 - 14):      Somnium | 13
Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Fate of the Afterlife

Episode Title:
All thirteen knew this would eventually transpire. But not now, not like this. The end, the unraveling, the fate... has come.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Incantation of the Void (The 1st Gate)

Episode Title:
The first of the two gates is discovered. Recite the words of the prophecy to pass through the hidden gateway to the void and escape.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Memory Memoriam

Episode Title:
Lightning can't seem to remember, as if she's completely forgotten, but she does not know what it is she's trying to recall. There was something there, she can feel it. Something special. Now gone.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Infinity Loop

Episode Title:
After Teci discovers the hidden gateway to the void, she invites the Cleric to join with her once again and escape to eternity through the passage.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Epiphany of the Cleric

Episode Title:
The Cleric realizes that he is the one that has been creating the unraveling and that he must continue the work of his future self; to inverse the suspensions and return all to nothing.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Not, I Am

Episode Title:
The Naught was the 2nd to learn the truth. As with Vespa, the Naught existed in the void. Now that the time of cycle end has come, she offers words of solice, 'You will be me, and you will be not'.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Phoenix is Fading Away (Pt. 1)

Episode Title:
Phoenix realizes that she has been forgotten by Lightning Girl. And thus Phoenix knows the unraveling has begun. She wanted more time. Time to say, 'goodbye', before she completely fades away.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Phoenix is Fading Away (Pt. 2)

Episode Title:
Phoenix is no more.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Secret of the Toci (Meris)

Episode Title:
The secret of the Toci. The knowing of all. The transference of all events back to the time of Earth. The clerics message via the void received and carried forward by Meris, the ancestor of Raven.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Fall of Rain

Episode Title:
The Bargain. To be the first 'unraveled' by the Cleric. As Drought did for her, Rain has sacraficed herself to have Anhedonia be last. For she knows he will become the 'gate' for Lightening Girl?

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Edge of Reason

Episode Title:
Reason decides to travel to the very edge of the universe. Why? To discover what is at the boundary of existance. And to learn what is real, and what is a dream, and if there is a difference.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Anhedonia's Lament (The 2nd Gate)

Episode Title:
Anhedonia discovers that he was not born. And that he is the key to opening the 2nd gate. Though he cannot go through himself, his life will have the purpose to allow one to pass through.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
The Return

Episode Title:
Everyong else is gone. Lightening Girl is now the last; alone. But the gate is now open, so she can pass her message through before the void consumes everything.

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Project: Sonic·Parlor X

Song Title:
Coda (Tempus)

Episode Title:
The time has come. Your fate has come.

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Aeons | 13
The Naught (Parts I, II, III, IV, & V)
Naerrata | 13
The 4th: Volumes | Vespinae
Secrets | Fates: Tales of the Toci
Somnium | 13